when you start to crack open,
don't waste a moment gathering
your old self up into something
like you've known before. let your
new self splash like sunlight
into every dark place & laugh
& cry & make sounds you never made
and thank all that is holy for
the gift, because now you have
no choice but to let all your
love spill out into the world.
StoryPeople by Brian Andreas
i have been off this week.
i don't want to go back.
where oh where.
is my magic fairy.
enjoy the moments.
just BE.
The gift of love is indeed a most perfect gift - twill not hide in the shadows, it is out there for us to enjoy!
I'd enjoy a magic fairy of my own...just in case I need to escape :)
If you find that magic fairy, can you send her sister my way please??? Thank you. She seems to be missing here too!
Creative shots and lovely magical words ~ thanks,
artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)
A stunning piece of pottery enhanced with the candlelight.
Somehow, I think your magic fairy may be right there, watching you in the candlelight.
Creative and beautiful.
Perfect photo for the Fourth!
Subtle Canyon Shadows
The candle glow looks red white and blue. Mine is an unlikely 4th shot.
Love is magical n I am living in it.
Happy week ahead, pretty Rob.
If her sisters are taken already how about a cousin for me?!
Summer is finally back in Finland, we were outside the whole weekend, by the sea...ah, lovely!
Have a good week ahead!
I was surprised to see the light inside. :)
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