Tuesday, June 2, 2009


you may live in northern michigan
garden's are covered
and your trees
by tentworms.
april 20th we had snow...
june 2 we have frost...
trying hard...
just BE.


Janice Lynne Lundy said...

Oh, how I can relate, Robin. I am getting so weary of being cold! Thankfully, my garden is fine. I risked planting seeds for a wildflower garden and they are actually coming up. And so grateful we have no tentworms here. Ugh. Yes, nature offers us such an important lesson, eh? How to be WELL with what is. Blessings!

robin. said...

Jan~this weather is crazy...i needed to add...if you are sitting at your son's baseball game with a snowmobile suit on...you may be in northern mi!!!

i was sitting here at the computer reading blogs...looked at my camera and a tent worm was crawling up the strap...makes me wonder how many are in my hair!!! eee-gads!!!

the weather...the worms...trying my patience indeed!!!

Shannon said...

frost in June?
WOW! I thought our winters dragged on.

A Wild Thing said...

Right now we are dealing with ticks...argh...but the cold...I am so tired of putting on an extra quilt, taking off an extra quilt, wearing sweats and socks, sandals and boots, drinking coffee, when it should be iced tea...I want to sit on my porch swing without a blanket...what a year, the funny thing is, as I was sitting here watching tv thinking that I wasn't going to get up and get a blanket, but how I was already dreading winter coming. When did winters become so dreaded...?

breathe as me said...

yikes... i don't even know what a tentworm is, but i don't expect this is something you want to find on your trees (and i'm quite certain i wouldn't be happy to be wondering if they had taken up residence in my hair)...

frost on june 2... and i thought it was miserable here because the skies are gray every day this time of year... it all brings much more home in the way of perspective...

Hey Harriet said...

Sorry to hear of your crazy weather! And those pesky worms! Eeeeeek! Your photos of the tent worms are amazing though. What interesting patterns they form on the tree!

Chris said...

I hate tentworms! Well, they are fine out in the woods, but I hate them IN MY YARD!!!!!!

I spray my maple trees with a soapy detergent when they are out. Seems to not hurt the trees and it keeps them away.

robin. said...

the worms have a three year cycle...we are in year two. mom and i went down the road last nite squishing the little buggers...this is after my brother already had gone through...they just cross back and forth all day long...looking for something to nimble. i will have to try chris's soapy spray!!!