i have loved deb taylor from What's Deb Doing from afar for quite some time. she is in Florida and i am in michigan...but distance did not stop us from becoming friends. she is a free spirit with a love of life no matter where she is. she invited me to join a virtual blog tour...and i instantly said yes. you can find deb here...where you will see how she answered the questions i have answered. thanks soooooo much deb.

i am suppose to, in turn, answer my questions...so here they are. thanks for sitting with me a spell.
What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on me. A work in progress. As
a mom, my mid-twenties to present have been doing for my children. A job, I
wouldn't trade. My youngest is 15 and still has mom time left to go...but soon
my selfish side will take over and I will grow into loving the me I am becoming.
The me, that has quietly taken the sidelines. I think that this is the time that
we as women come to...the
“now it's about me” time. What a scary, wonderful
place to be.
How does your work differ from others of its genre?
I have always had an
artistic eye, but never the time to do anything with it. Growing a family takes
money...therefore I work a nine to five in the world of occupational therapy.
But. Whenever I can. I get behind my camera. I see things that others might not
notice. I take shots that are off center. I take shots of my wine glass in the
sunset because the wine turns the real life image into an upside down version
of itself. Who takes delight in that?...me! I never grow tired of it. A
bee...gathering pollen from a flower. The tulip that holds onto a raindrop after
a late afternoon shower...the drop glistening with the sunset as a backdrop. The
newness of life transformed from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Catching the dew
on a spider web, with the first morning sun showing their hiding place.
Capturing the wonderment in a child's eyes ...finding the ordinary and making it
Why do you write/create what you do?
I use a lot of quotes and sayings in my blog. And more times than not. The “writings” tie into what I was feeling when I captured the image. I am in no way a writer. But I love words. I love how the right words, at the right time...can bring you to tears. I love others words. I am in awe of writers. I love that I can find words to express just the way I am feeling. I love when others words come to me and comfort me...just when I need it the most. I create my blog...in hopes that I am able to touch others with my images and the messages I choose to attach to the images. I want one still frame to touch others. I want one still frame to be a place to come to...a place where it's okay to just breathe. To feel the emotion you didn't know you needed to feel...until you sat with me.“She was beautiful,
but not like those girls in the magazines.
She was beautiful,
for the way she thought.
She was beautiful,
for that sparkle in her eyes
when she talked about something she loved.
She was beautiful,
for her ability to make other people smile,
even if she was sad.
No, she wasn't beautiful for something
as temporary as her looks.
She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.”
~ F. Scott Fitzgerald ~
How does your writing/creating process work?
As I said earlier...i spend a lot of time on my porch, rocking in my rocker. Time looking at my flowers, watching the humming birds come in to drink sweet nectar, listening to the melodious sounds of my beloved robins. I am so at peace in my backyard, a yard that I grew up in as a child...a yard I am blessed to live in now as a grown women. This place, that provides a calmness, a contentment...is the backdrop of my creative process. When you are at peace, the simplest things make your heart soar...that is my creative process, that is where my images live. In my contentment. In my love for simple. In my desire to just BE.
After a while, you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and changing a soul.
You begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts and presents aren’t promises.
And you start to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open.
You learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain.
After a while, you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.
So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
You learn that you really can endure, that you really are strong, and you really do have worth.
You learn that with every goodbye, there’s a hello.
Take chances. Tell the truth.
Date someone totally wrong for you.
Say no. Spend all your cash. Fall in love. Be random.
Say I love you. Cry. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you.
Drink until the bottle’s empty. Sing out loud.
Tell an asshole how you feel.
Let someone know what they’re missing.
Laugh until your stomach hurts.
Live Life.
Veronica A. Shoffstall
bottom line.
enjoy the moments.
just BE.
Oh my Dear Sweet Robin. This post is so lovely. I adore your sweet spirit and soft Soul. I long and look forward to the day we share that beautiful glass of wine together and let the world around us turn completely upside down !!
I think to live where you have the same backyard as the one enjoyed as a kid is a great treasure. One of my favorite "back yards" I experienced (with my cousin and a slightly older aunt) was the banks of the Wabash River in Vincennes, Indiana. Thanks for sharing some of what makes you tick!
Won't that be an awesome day indeed Deb. Thanks again for asking me to do this!!
It is a true blessing Nonnie...that's for sure!
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