Tuesday, July 23, 2013

...her umbrella was filled with rain...

i was in Chicago this past weekend.
i tend to get weird.
about not posting.
but we had no wireless.
where we were staying.
i take that back.
the wireless was down 25 flights.
in an open space.
with two chairs facing each other.
i opted out of posting.
but here are some shadows.
from the condo where we stayed.
just BE.


Sylvia K said...

Great shadows for the day, Robin! I would have passed on the 25 flights myself!! Hope your week is going well!! Thanks as always for stopping by!!

Mascha said...

Georgeos shadows and very poetic words...
have pleased me this morning :-)

NatureFootstep said...

we have some similar art in our Library. Always watching it when I visit.