Wednesday, May 8, 2013

...week three of 52 photos project...

i promise you not a moment will be lost
 as long as i have heart 
& voice to speak &
 we will walk again together with a thousand others
 & a thousand more & on & on 
until there is no one among us who does not know the truth:
 there is no future without love.

week three.
{street art}
this is my "street".
it is a road.
a country road.
my "town".
has a blinker light.
we have no street art.
this photo is of my daughter.
i took her senior pictures.
three years ago.
she wanted the road.
she wanted the frame.
that's what she got.
this is my contribution.
this week.
just BE.


Sylvia K said...

Your daughter is beautiful, Robin! A wonderful post! Thanks for sharing! Have a lovely weekend.

robin. said...

thank you Sylvia...hope you do too!!

MyMaracas said...

"Street art" indeed! Beautiful photos of a beautiful girl. She looks very much like her mom.

Linda W. said...

Nice photos, especially the black and white portrait.

Leovi said...

Yes, I like these portraits, gorgeous, nice photos!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful shots! Definitely "street art." =) I love the last one especially.

Unknown said...

Great shots Robin! Love the nature theme!