Wednesday, April 6, 2011

...wordless wednesday...

hosted by

just BE.


Nancy said...

I have quite a few of those spent sunflowers around here. I've been remiss in my clean up duties!

Lovely photo. :)

Donna (Texas) said...

Beautiful photo!! Love the colors...
Just a Place to Play

Anonymous said...

Wow Spring is on its way. Your blog is now full of Spring sunlight. Thursday morning here in Australia so off to work Thur and Fri and less computer time for me. Charmaine

EG CameraGirl said...

I really, really like this photo!

Leese said...

Gorgeous shot!

E Makes Art said...

This photo actually made me tear up...not even sure why. It is stunning. The light and simplicity. just wow.


Lisa Gordon said...

No words needed.
I just love this photograph Robin!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Linda said...

wonderful shot!

tania palermo said...

What a beautifully dramatic image! Well done!! Very powerful.