Sunday, November 28, 2010


railing against fate is unattractive:
it imposes a nuisance and a burden
upon our friends and family,
some of whom might have more reason to
complain than we do.
on the other hand,
to make light of a big problem,
or to seem to,
tends to be admired..
destiny is deaf to our protestations.
so why not make the best of things-
with silent patience and fortitude?
~1,001 ways to live in the moment

the past is connected to today.
today will lead us into tomorrow.
it is all connected.
it is the present.
it is the moment that we live in.
we must live in the moment.
because the future.
we cannot predict.
the next moment.
we cannot predict.
the beautiful, happy child in the photo.
is my mom.
tomorrow is her birthday.
please stop by here
to wish her a happy birthday.
don't let the past take away your tomorrow.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


BLOGitse said...

oh, I love this post!
Happy birthday to your mom! said...

such a pretty little girl! Happy Birthday to your Mom!
so true about living in the moment and allowing life to happen, so many good things come out of what is meant to be.

Cassie said...

Happy Birthday to your mama Miss Robin! I hope she likes your tribute to her here. Blessings,c

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

dog-eared photograph—
an old woman holds a child—
love’s enduring bonds

Laura said...

such a lovely way to honor your Mom Robin. Gentle steps.

deb did it said...

celebrate the beauty, the love...Happy Birthday Mom, thank you for bringing Robin into this Earthly world for all of us to enjoy!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely post. I hope your mom has a wonderful day!