Saturday, April 24, 2010

...afternoon delight...

happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.
~ Austin O'Malley
it is with a quiet eye
that i chase shadows.
this is the afternoon-
early evening sun
on the young budding tulip.
showing off it's silhouette
could not be helped.
it surrenders to the sun's rays
and my lens.
catch more shadows there
with tracy and the rest of the chasers.
just BE.


A Wild Thing said...

Such a simply elegant harbinger of Spring, the lowly tulip and the faded charm of it's companion the shadow...what more could you ask for this gloomy Saturday in Iowa...hope you got some sunshine lil' Sister, up in yer neck of the woods!

Tell Tilda my wool socks out back outta the drawer...ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

Thanks for the java!!!

Chubby Chieque said...

Tulips looks very elegant and contented in the sun.

U always share those artistry shots of urs which I appreciate & love then.

Happy Day, dear R!

Ralph said...

Even though the bulb hasn't yet opened, we feel the strength of nature, which will convince the flower to bloom at the right time. The shadow is equally strong as it accents the shape of the bloom to be. This is a nice take!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Tranquility in the vision of soft light and shadow playing around the hope of new life! Magical photo!

lynda Howells said...

Love this very smile shadowx lynda

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

So simple and yet so true! Lovely. Absolutely lovely.

Unknown said...

absolutley gorgeous..

Hey Harriet said...

Sublime! I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. We have a long weekend this week in Australia. Yippeeee!

Anonymous said...

A lovely shadow shot, and as always, lovely words to go with it.

Laura said...

Lovely photo Robin and a perfect quote. I love coming to your quiet blog to gaze at your serene photos and listen to your words of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Both picture and words.

Happy SSS!

lilymae said...

that picture gives me a really relaxed sense of calm. it's.. nice :)

this to shall pass said...

Your pictures are beautiful