Sunday, May 21, 2017


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~Marianne Williamson

let your light shine.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Friday, May 19, 2017

...just BE. a happier life...

a creative life is an
amplified life.
it's a bigger life,
a happier life,
an expanded life
and a hell of a lot
more interesting life.
~elizabeth gilbert

this is my happy space.
my garden, west.
more than likely will.
need to be covered.
two more times before.
warm weather settles.
into michigan.
the birdhouse.
transplanted yesterday.
it stood in my mom's garden.
gifted to me.
just BE.

i hope you will join me.
today and every friday.
join me in this space to.
just BE.
shake off the ugly.
bask in the moments.
breathe in the truth.
and beauty.
that is there.
if you just look.

thanks for joining me.
invite your friends...
let's make the movement to
just BE.

~~ Please just link to your ...just BE post and not your whole blog.

~~Please include a link to ...just BE in your post so other participants may be viewed so we can clearly see that your post is about what inspires you to just BE.

~~Please avoid long links...Just use your name.

~~ Please visit others.

1. Mascha  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, May 14, 2017


When she held out
her arms, the
world itself wrapped
around me & held me tight.

happy Mother's day. 
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning. 
just BE.

Friday, May 12, 2017

...just BE. chase the lion...

once in a while
blow your own damn mind

reading a new book.
chase the lion.
by Mark Batterson.
you might want to pick it up.
just BE.

i hope you will join me.
today and every friday.
join me in this space to.
just BE.
shake off the ugly.
bask in the moments.
breathe in the truth.
and beauty.
that is there.
if you just look.

thanks for joining me.
invite your friends...
let's make the movement to
just BE.

~~ Please just link to your ...just BE post and not your whole blog.

~~Please include a link to ...just BE in your post so other participants may be viewed so we can clearly see that your post is about what inspires you to just BE.

~~Please avoid long links...Just use your name.

~~ Please visit others.

1. bettyl - NZ  3. Sara Chapman #2  
2. Sara Chapman, Seattle USA  4. Sara Chapman #3  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, May 7, 2017


We cannot hold a torch to light 
another's path without
brightening our own.
Ben Sweetland

welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Friday, May 5, 2017

...just BE. in the sunlight...

even after all these winters,
 I see you sitting there. 
 Perched on your chair in the sunlight, 
feeling like the invitation of Spring

my happy place.
my backyard...
especially after the lawn has been mowed.
just BE.

i hope you will join me.
today and every friday.
join me in this space to.
just BE.
shake off the ugly.
bask in the moments.
breathe in the truth.
and beauty.
that is there.
if you just look.

thanks for joining me.
invite your friends...
let's make the movement to
just BE.

~~ Please just link to your ...just BE post and not your whole blog.

~~Please include a link to ...just BE in your post so other participants may be viewed so we can clearly see that your post is about what inspires you to just BE.

~~Please avoid long links...Just use your name.

~~ Please visit others.

1. Mascha  3. Sara Chapman, Seattle USA  5. Sara Chapman #3  
2. bettyl - NZ  4. Sara Chapman #2  6. Sara Chapman #4  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

...if nothing ever changed...

Posting again...
I am.
I am looking inside.
I am awakening.
This is my story.
The journey is a simple one.
The journey is to just BE.
Unfortunately there are roads blocks.
Good and bad.
Good makes a person content.
Bad makes you work harder.
This past April (2016), I had an “episode” of anxiety, panic.
Where I didn't feel I could breathe.
Which lead to panic and anxiety when trying to go to sleep.
Sleep did not happen, pacing did.
After about a week, I went to a walk in clinic.
"Everything seems okay, here is a fast acting inhaler."
Okay good. But just a band-aid.
Enough of one so I slept a little better that night.
Another week goes by.
It continues, anxiety and pacing at night.
I am breathing, I know that I'm breathing.
But I can't catch my breath.
After sitting out, all day in the fresh air, watching my son play baseball.
I keep trying to breathe, catch my breath, get my lungs full to the top.
In the open, vast sky. I couldn't “breathe.”
I had my husband take me to the ER.
My blood pressure, because I had myself so worked up...was 151/101.
Not good.
All sorts of tests run, chest xray etc, etc.
My tests are all normal.
My BP is back to within normal limits.
"Here are two ativan."
To help “calm me” so I can sleep.
“get a stress test done.”
I had been keeping track of my BP.
I had some spikes but basically within normal limits.
I go to see a Dr. for the stress test referral.
I explain to the nurse what I've been experiencing. She totally understands.
I see the Dr. I explain what I've been experiencing
He doesn't feel I need a stress test.
“Just breathe into your hands.” “You are hyperventilating.”
I had been taking an “anxiety” pill at night, which I got from my mom, so I could sleep.
I continued to do that until I could get into my gynecologist whom I usually see for
“Women's Health.”
I explain my difficulties to him.
He is not happy that I am taking the pills from my mom.
All said and done. My diagnosis is Hashimoto.
And a script for an anti-depressant.
10 mg. Most people take 7.5 mg
I'm one of the most positive people I know!!
What did the anti-depressant do for me?
It made me not want to get out of bed in the morning. My anti-depressant was making me depressed.
So, I weaned myself off of it.
I may have some night's of panic, like claustrophobic panic.
But I can talk myself out of it.
“you are breathing.”
“just breathe.”
“just BE.”
and I am out of it.
And I fall asleep.
What next?
Find out why we get lumped into categories.
Why do we just put band-aids on the problem.
"treat the symptoms...not the problem."
“Here's a pill.”
My journey!!!...remember?
...just BE.
Take charge of me.
“Look outside, dream.”
“Look inside, AWAKEN.”
Wake up call.
 If not now, when?
I choose taking care of me.
Why has the gorgeous head of hair I had until my mid 30 left me?
Thyroid? Maybe. Good possibility.
Coloring the gray? Maybe.
So...I stopped coloring.
I'm 52. I am embracing the gray.
...just BE.
I've been taking ItWorks products for a year.
It's working. What I've been doing is working.
I am taking ItWorks Confianza.
for is working!!
I signed on as a Distributor with ItWorks Global in Feb. So I can reap the benefits.
My journey is ever evolving.
...just BreathE.
What about you?
"If nothing ever changed,
there'd be no butterflies."
Be a butterfly!!
...just BE.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

...first day of the rest of your life...

We’re already in the new age, she said.
What does that mean? I said. It means we
can stop waiting & start living, she said
but after she left, I still waited
a little while more just to be safe.

i am done with safe.
i am done with comfort zone.

I want YOU to join my team...
I am looking for 5 people to join my team before May 7th...and here's why!!


YOU are getting PAID to start your business!!
COMMENT BELOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you done with safe?
done with unhealthy?
done with not enough money at the end of the month?
join me!!!
just BE.

Monday, May 1, 2017 are not alone...



 'And the day came
 when the risk to
 remain tight in a bud
 was more painful
 than the risk
 it took to blossom.'
-Anais Nin.

many moments.
in life.
add to the story of your journey.
you have to be brave.
and say...
no more.
believe in yourself.
listen to your voice.
take that first step.
be the you,
you are meant to be.
take the risk.
and blossom.
join me.
just BE.