Sunday, December 30, 2012


be present.

in life,
there are no ordinary moments.
most of us never really recognize 
the most significant moments
of our lives
when they are happening.
~kathleen magee

page one.
i officially.
there are definitely.
no ordinary moments.
nothing is taken for granted.
for a moment.
don't just look.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Saturday, December 29, 2012 is here and it is now...

life is here and it is now...
either we meet it
we live it or we miss it.
all life resides in the narrow margin 
and the broad expanse of the moment.
it is in the doing, the dreaming, the feeling and the caring.
it is always present in a glorious attempt,
a lofty dream a brilliant insight, an irreplaceable experience,
a calming breath, an unbelievable feeling
and an irrepressible passion.

an unlived life is littered with "could haves,"
"should haves" and "if onlys." 
each moment greets us full of possibility 
and leaves us hoping we are better for having met.
while it is true that we only have right now,
there will never be a time when it's not now.
grandma Moses said it best:
"life is what we make it, always has been and always will be."
~yobi yamada

in leaving a family Christmas.
 my sister-in-law.
hands me a birthday gift.
i wait until we are home to open it.
as i open the bag.
i pull out a round, colorful box.
 that houses a glass.
with happy birthday written on it.
a tin of yummy cookies.
wrapped in tissue,
with the first word i see as i push the tissue away.
my mouth dropped.
i could not believe it.
i let out a happy gasp.
and did a happy dance right there in the dining room.
is it right for a forty-eight year old to act this way.
over a book.
that has pages.
that speak to what is in my heart.
 the answer is.
a resounding.
this gift could not have been more perfect.
a simple book.
where the cover simply states.
thank you tresa.
i love you girl.
light + objects=shadows
here is to a NEW YEAR.
a new year to.
just BE.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


 The very word brings joy to our hearts.
 No matter how we may dread the rush,
 the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--
when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children,
 the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes." 
- Joan Winmill Brown

my coffee cup photo.
was taken in 2009.
i love this SOOC shot.
i was so delighted when i first saw it.
and it warms my heart still today.
may you find joy.
in the simple things.
this holiday season.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

...every time you do a good deed...

“every time you do a good deed you shine the light a little farther into the dark. 
and the thing is, 
when you're gone that light is going to keep shining on, 
pushing the shadows back.”
 ~Charles de Lint~

a soft.
subtle shadow.
holy winter storm batman.
for the first time.
in five years.
we were without power.
many, many years ago.
dad put a line in for a gas stove.
the power was always out when i was a child.
so the stove came in handy for cooking.
i washed dishes yesterday.
by melting snow on the stove.
and we had a fire in the fireplace.
while the wind gust and the snow fell.
i was happy, fed and warm.
i counted my blessings.
when the power was out.
and i counted them again.
when it came back on.
there is always something to be grateful for.
as things could always be worse.
just BE.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


 rain and 43 degrees creates ice on the driveway and road. yup. both hills. yikes.

those who danced were
thought to be quite insane
by those who could not hear the music.
~angela monet

to watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.
~hopi saying

with a grateful heart.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

...just BE...

Lord, please bring your peace that passeth understanding to my soul.
 You know my troubled heart.
 I'm scared. I fear. I grieve.
 Please comfort those around me
 and give me the words to comfort those who are broken.
 In Jesus Christ's Name I pray. Amen.
(Philippians 4:4-13)

just BE.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


never be in a hurry, do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.
 do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever,
 even if your whole world seems upset. 
~St. Francis deSale
this is what a blanket.
of snow does.
it quietly lays down.
a layer of calm.
to the earth.
giving us a chance.
to choose.
to not be in a hurry.
to find that inner peace.
breathing in.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

...greatest of all causes...

nothing that i can do will change the structure of the universe.
 but maybe, by raising my voice I can help the greatest of all causes
 - goodwill among men and peace on earth.
~albert einstein 

the sunshine.
has been fleeting this week.
but i did manage.
to catch this ray of sun.
hitting the Christmas tree.
i can't remember the the sun.
hitting the living room like this before.
it comes from the mirror.
in the dining room.
love it!! 
just BE.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


joyful simplicities for december
really deck the halls. spread holiday cheer throughout your entire home
with seasonal decorations, no matter what holiday you celebrate.
evergreens, beautiful flowering plants, candles, tiny lights, and natural decoration
don't have to be associated with any one holiday unless you make them so.
when you make a special effort to create beauty in your home,
you set the stage for festivity, an authentic quality of 
Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.
~simple abundance

i just.
wanted to share the room.
you see.
in the bauble in my header photo.
i brought things out.
earlier this year.
than i usually do.
and i have changed things up.
from where i usually put them.
not sure what is going on with me.
i believe.
as i sit here...
that it may be.
a happiness.
that comes from deep within.
of Christmas' past.
of my childhood.
and my heart is warmed.
and a smile forms.
over the sides of my coffee cup.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.