good bye august...
hello september...
i received this lovely award from jane.
thank you so much....
i have to nominate 10 people.
if you have time stop by their sites.
then share ten things about me.
10. i am 5' 7".
9. i have brown eyes.
8. i adore sweets.
7. i can still do the splits.
6. i love the country the best.
5. i am a good listener.
4. i should be a CSI for my keen observation skills.
3. mowing lawn is my self proclaimed chore.
2. i can be kind of sappy.
and if you couldn't guess...
1. i love photography.
please stop by the other gals sites...
and as always...
just BE.

Thank you so much Sara.
It was so very kind of you.
Congrats on the award Robin and thanks so much for choosing me as one of your ten recipients! I'm touched! I really enjoyed your list too! I'm impressed that you can do the splits. I've never been able to. Apart from that it seems that we have quite a few things in common :) xo
congratulations on your blogging award, and thank you so so much for including me in your list. I feel really honored, (and humbled too), and a little flustery and short on words.
I love your list and the things you chose to include on it.
Thank you so much lil' sister, girl, we all love you for the woman you have become, powerful, insightful,loving and talented...after all, who can do the splits anyway...super human powers in my book!!!
Congratulations, you are well deserving!!!
you are so sweet !
thanks for this award, but i am so terrible when it comes to playing with these....
i will get to ten things about of these days, i promise.
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