the coffee cup
tells it all today...
rain, cold, blustery.
earlier in the
i was able
to take
some time
for myself
at this lovely spot
in the middle of town.
sun, running water,
and alone time.
it can be
all about you.
and that's okay.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.
sometimes alone is the most delicious place to be of all.
What an exquisite path of meditation you've taken today, thanks for allowing us to follow...
Scratchy and I too took the road less traveled today, we went the back roads to my fave antique haunt, been since Thanksgiving that I've been able to shop, felt good to get out...and we even had a surprise on the back road home...the managed to follow us home and was our trusted companion for nearly 2 hours...some friends you just count the days they're gone...some the moments they share with you however fleeting!
Thanks for the coffee and a moment in silence...s
Good Morning Robin,
Please stop by my blog today...I have a surprise for you!!!!
the perfect artist's date for a most beautiful artist...
gorgeous images...
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