Sunday, September 8, 2013



“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

as i looked at my photos.
photos i shot.
from ground level.
my thoughts turned to.
different perspectives.
when looking for a quote.
this one popped up.
it is amazing.
how tweaking your perspective.
things have a way.
of having a whole new meaning.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. LOVE that Lincoln quote. I love your Sunday morning advice..."just be" :)

  2. Ah you like quotes too... Lovely photos... If you are ever interested, I host a small meme called Nature Notes Tuesday for nature lovers.... Michelle...

  3. Robin, You can make the "simple" look extraordinary in your photos. Love the first one of the fence. Always a pleasure to visit your blog. Have a great week. Mickie ;)

  4. I love your photography! You have an incredible eye and true talent.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.