Sunday, June 26, 2011


i wonder what it would be like
to live in a world
where it was always june.
~l. m. montgomery

i tried to sneak it in there...
did you see him?
yup...matthew is sporting a broken
bone in his hand.
got hit by a foul ball
while catching.
he is a tough bugger!!
june is winding down.
but there is still plenty of summer
to enjoy.
second cup of coffee...
back deck.
here i come.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. I just poured my first cup and it tastes fine. I do know what that is that's caught on the line, too! subtle touches this morning with the baby apple. hope the arm heals fast, and that you have a beautiful Sunday.

  2. Oh, that is such a sweet image of the rusted clothes pin wire. And, of Matthew too! Though Matthew, that is. that a plum?

  3. Poor fella! I sure hope he is all healed real soon!
    Great images as always Robin.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.