Saturday, December 5, 2009

...borrowed shadows...

do not think
that they
are little people.
they think
that we
are big cats.
this influences their behavior in many ways.
snowing big flakes today.
no sunshine fore casted...
well...for quite some time.
enjoy your sunshine
if you are lucky enough
to have some today.
enjoy the shadows
just BE.


  1. Good mornin' lil' sister, we have lots o sun this mornin', but we hold our breath, cause the white stuff comes next week, they say 5 inches or so...we pushed our luck this season...and I know it's me and Lorie's fault...we're moving the shop next week to the new location!

    It never fails to be the worst time for moving here in the Nor'lands, you can never count on the weather to cooperate...right!!!

    So I'll just paint some more critters and wire some more pearls...of wisdom...thanks for the coffee, it's frosty outside!

    Hey Tilda...

  2. I guess that our Linus and Rigby see us as the Alpha cat. Well Patti is the Alpha, I am the Beta cat. But the pointed cat ears, like yours hers, are what gives them the curious look as they listen. Nice thoughts on our furry friends...

  3. Very true about cats!! Terrific shadow shot!

    Have a great weekend!


  4. Never thought of cats that way. Nice photo and post

  5. I like the sculpture/shadow/poem in bits and as composed.

  6. lovely cat face and shadow. i think cats think we're pretty stupid cats as well....

    I love the cat photos in your previous post btw

  7. Thoughts about cats--too true! Hope you have enough sun to make shadows soon!

  8. Hahaha! I think you may be on to something there about pussy cats!! Gosh I love them so! Your shadow shot is quirky and fun this week - love it!! Happy SSS!

  9. Sweet clay cat, I love the ear shadows and the lovely lighting!

  10. That's an interesting take on cats. They must think humans are big silly cats. A nice cat shadow shot!

    I will enjoy my sunshine while you enjoy your snowflakes. It would be nice to combine the two...but not sure how that would work :)

  11. I love the sculpture - and it sure makes a great shadow.
    Lovely poem as well!

  12. Great idea! Our Shadow (real name!)certainly believes that he is tuned in to us! And love the shadow! Interesting partial profile of reality!

  13. Great words on cats! We've always had true, so true!
    Wishing you a great week ahead...we are lucky to have some sunshine this week - so we are enjoying all the shadows we can find!

  14. Hmmmm. Dogs think we are big dogs, but I thought cats were smarter than that. Guess I don't know much about cats.

    I do know about being a grandparent (highly recommended) and growing up (highly counter-recommended.)



i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.