Sunday, December 6, 2009


i open the door. the gorgeous guest
from afar sweeps in. in her hands are
her gifts--the gifts of hours and far-seeing
moments, the gift of mornings and evenings,
the gift of spring and summer, the gift
of autumn and winter. she must have searched
the heavens for boons so rare.
~abbie graham
december's gifts--
custom, ceremony, celebration, consecration--
come to us wrapped up,
not in tissue and ribbons,
but in cherished memories.
this is the month of miracles.
the oil that burns for eight days,
the royal son born in a stable,
the inexplicable return of Light on the longest,
darkest night of the year.
where there is love,
there are always miracles.
and where there are miracles,
there is great joy.
gratefully we weave the golden thread of the
sixth principle of simple abundance--
into our tapestry of contentment.
at last we embrace the miracle of authenticity,
changing forever how we view ourselves.
our daily round.
our dreams.
our destinies.
days we once called common,
we now call holy.
~simple abundance: a day book of comfort and joy
~sarah ban breathnach
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. no snow here yet but I fear it won't be long

  2. The pond is frozen, and we've had flurries, but no white stuff yet. This was a beautiful post.

  3. Yes, winter has brought her first gift, a crystaline blanket, fragile and light...the first snow of the season here in NH too. Beautiful words of inspiration to match your lovely photos Robin...Thanks.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.