Sunday, February 20, 2011


the old woman i shall become
 will be quite different
from the woman i am now.
another i is beginning.
~george sand

there is a certain relief in change,
even though it be from bad to worse;
as I have found in traveling in a stagecoach,
it is often a comfort to shift one's position
and be bruised in a new place.
~washington irving

there was a
change in the air
this morning
while i was outside.
it looked as
tho it could
tho it is a wee bit cold for that.
and now
it is just overcast.
possibly snow today.
it will be coming.
the birds feel it.
the ground shows it.
the sky is different.
and so are people's moods.
change is coming.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

1 comment:

A Wild Thing said...

I can totally identify with George, which is why I named one of my candle/soap scents after her, my kinda independent free wheeling spirit!

We had thunderstorms this morning, it really rained hard, not sure what the next few days will bring...the only thing I know, is it'll be one day closer to and Scratchy even chased the stick...such fun!

Good week friend!!!