Friday, April 20, 2018

...just BE. a fresh start...

“Today is the perfect day for a fresh start. 
Stop delaying, stop making excuses, stop putting it off.
 Now. Today is the perfect moment. 
You can change things, you can try. Don't give up.” 
― Akiroq Brost

i took some space for me.
after the wedding.
it was beautiful.
it was a perfect day.
when one does the months and months.
of prep work.
one can't help but feel.
 let down.
when all your hard work.
is over.
in just a couple of hours.
she was beautiful.
he was handsome.
their young love.
now on it's way.
to forever.
thanks for allowing me some space.
just BE.

i hope you will join me.
today and every friday.
join me in this space to.
just BE.
shake off the ugly.
bask in the moments.
breathe in the truth.
and beauty.
that is there.
if you just look.

thanks for joining me.
invite your friends...
let's make the movement to
just BE.


  1. Great quote! Next week we close on a "new to us" house, new area, neighbors to meet...a new start for us. Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Hello, I'm happy you and 'just be' came back. I hope everything is fine.
    Thank you for hosting.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.