Friday, May 19, 2017

...just BE. a happier life...

a creative life is an
amplified life.
it's a bigger life,
a happier life,
an expanded life
and a hell of a lot
more interesting life.
~elizabeth gilbert

this is my happy space.
my garden, west.
more than likely will.
need to be covered.
two more times before.
warm weather settles.
into michigan.
the birdhouse.
transplanted yesterday.
it stood in my mom's garden.
gifted to me.
just BE.

i hope you will join me.
today and every friday.
join me in this space to.
just BE.
shake off the ugly.
bask in the moments.
breathe in the truth.
and beauty.
that is there.
if you just look.

thanks for joining me.
invite your friends...
let's make the movement to
just BE.

1 comment:

  1. May a lucky bird family find their home here. A garden is a wonderful thing, I never could live without it...
    Enjoy your spring


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.