Monday, February 27, 2017

...just BE.

"Don't worry about failures,
 worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try “
Jack Canfield

i have wanted to do it.
and i have stopped myself.
a thousand times.
with excuses.
i am leaving excuses land.
i am, i said.
i am, said i.
i am an empty nester.
i (and my amazing husband).
raised three beautiful people.
they are grown.
it is now about taking care of me.
let's face it.
moms put themselves last.
it's not a bad thing.
it's just a thing.
and as you know, if you've been on this blog at all.
my mantra.
...just BE.
i want to just BE.
and i want YOU to just BE.
to do what we need to do to find inspiration.
we need to do what makes us happy.
i want you to join me.
every friday.
starting this upcoming friday.
for a ...just BE. meme.
i'd like you to post (on your blog or flickr...etc)
 a photo of something that inspired you,
or made you smile,
or brought you to tears,
or that resonated with you.
a snapshot in time of a moment.
that let you,
just BE.
copy my one still frame, just BE button on the right.
and add it to your blog like you do for your other memes.
post a link back to my site.
and add your link.
and let's see where this.
just BE.
state of mind takes us.
{this include the men too}

"This was her time
This was her dance
She lived every moment
Left nothing to chance

She swam in the sea
Drank of the deep
Embraced the mystery of all she could be
this was her time."
{michael w. smith}

you have until friday.
let's do this.
for us.
i hope you will join me.
just BE.


  1. Gorgeous photos...I love them all, Robin!
    I am always fond of spider web photos L)
    I have added your button to my blog...I will be happy to participate and see how it goes.


  2. Yes! It's so nice to 'see' you! Even if it is for one visit to let us know about your Just Be meme.
    I've missed you and now, I am here back home on Molokai where I grew up. It was quite the move..

  3. I'm in !!! I love this
    but go that clothespin photo...BE still my own heart !

  4. I look forward to seeing you girls...this makes my heart smile. xoxo!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.