Saturday, September 20, 2014

...she thought it'd be easy...

Once, there was a girl who wanted to change the world 
& at first, she thought it’d be easy, 
because if everyone could see how beautiful it’d be, 
it’d take about a minute, 
but all the people she talked to were too busy
 to stop and listen.
So, she went off & did beautiful things all on her own
 & pretty soon people were stopping 
and asking if they could come along & do that, too 
& that’s how she figured out how worlds change.

light poured in.
and shadows danced.
enjoy the moments.
just BE.


  1. Amen!!! That is SO true. Love that quote.

  2. I love the stories you share.
    Sister Grace of the Workshop Way philosophy that I used in my classroom said that if one wants to change others (students), one must change oneself. And it worked.
    I do so love the idea of shadows dancing!

  3. The quote on the wall is beautiful - faith enables us to understand what divine gifts we have received. As long as we are paying attention...let us create our own beauty like the girl understood - others then will take that to heart, create more beauty and share it. What a wonderful world that would be!

  4. Both the wall quote and the words of storypeople are so lovely. Wanting and initiating a small change can lead to great things.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.