Saturday, August 16, 2014

...keep close to us in the sunshine...

"May we never have friends who, like shadows, keep 
close to us in the sunshine only to desert us in a cloudy 
day or in the night."

a toast.
this one is fitting for shadows today.
but the toast itself.
was for the letting go.
of a negative in my life.
and for moving on.
and for breathing life.
into the next chapter.
of this journey.
we call life.
"May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun.
And find your shoulder to light on.
To bring you luck, happiness and riches.
Today, tomorrow and beyond."
just BE.


  1. excellent toast! Exquisite photos. Love your porch!

  2. I am happy always to toast the next chapter - when negatives are put aside and opportunities are provided, we know the worst of the past was merely a test of our faith. And we passed the test as we move forward :)

  3. Such a lovely toast. May you always have happiness as you continue your journey.
    Lovely photo as well.

  4. A lovely way to celebrate a new chapter in life. Beautiful soft lighting.

  5. There's something so holy, so inviting about this photo.

    6WS/Shadows/Carpe Diem

  6. Awesome photo. Warm and definitely inviting!

  7. All the best for this chapter...
    Lovely photo!

  8. A very meaningful toast-I salute you in your success!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.