Saturday, May 17, 2014

...start to dance...

say yes. whatever it is, 
say yes with your whole
 heart & simple as that sounds,
that's all the excuse that life
 needs to grab you by the 
hands & start to dance.
brian andreas~storypeople

this was a wonderful way to end the day.
that started with snow.
and gave way to cold and rain.
this weather is beyond crazy.
i need to see the other's warm sunshine shadows.
just BE.


  1. The tree's shadow almost has a life of its own. Beautiful!

  2. Even though the tree is curved, I like the way the sun curves it even more. Sounds like you have had the same kind of crazy weather we've had this spring. It's too bad that we can't send some of the precipitation (rain or snow) west to California.

  3. The shadows are great - bending in the sunlight, as if they are dancing in celebration of (finally) a sunny day in Spring, without several western Michigan winters that occurred in the last winter. The sun - at last!

  4. Your spring is as far as ours!
    We have hot wave coming - it might go as high as 86 F!!! but only for days, summer's not here yet...

  5. it really is a lively shadow

  6. The shadow seems to exaggerate the curve of the tree trunk. Wonderful mellow light in this scene.

  7. How unusual--and delightful--to see "big" pictures from you and your shadowy world!

  8. The shadow curves more than the tree. We have sun today so hope yours is our too.

  9. Very true MMT...not too often you get the big picture from me!! ;-)

  10. Love that loping lingering shadow loop.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.