Saturday, April 5, 2014

...she starts to dance...

this is a magical beast that holds the secret of light & shadow in a safe place in her heart
 & when it has been too long grey, she starts to dance & laugh & cry & sing 
& the sunlight fills her up
 & spills in wild abandon back into the world again

these lovelies are still covered.
at present.
last year's shot.
what landscape we had open.
is now covered by the snow of yesterday.
we keep on.
keepin' on.
we have to.
embrace the weather.
or be miserable.
we have a choice.
enjoy the moments.
just BE.


  1. And once she starts to dance, she just can't stop (not for a few months, anyway)!

    A Trip through Shadows

  2. Spring will indeed spring soon for you we hope! The midwest has endured too much snow, but as happens every year, the winter is forgotten when the sun opens the flowery blooms and soft warm breezes waft by...

  3. Oh, do you have to point out that I have a choice in how I feel about our miserable weather? okay, I will try to embrace the still cold temps with the mostly grey sky. phew!

  4. thanks for sharing these lovelies

    have a nice weekend

    much love...

  5. So sharply hopeful and pointing to spring!

  6. Like Nature's cathedral spires - always aiming for the skies. Lovely lighting in this photo.

  7. Lovely shot - lovely words. Spring is definitely late in coming this year, but you're right - we need to stay positive.

  8. Wow, you have still snow, in Helsinki it's gone..but it looks so..naked. No green yet but I've seen some small buds and a few spring flowers are trying to push through...
    Have a relaxing Sunday!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.