Sunday, April 13, 2014



this week i was creating.
a memory book.
for my great niece's.
first birthday party.
such fun creating.
not so much fun cleaning it up and putting things away.
the rain came down.
and we were treated to a thunder and lightning show last night.
slowly spring is coming.
the robins delight.
in the earth opening up.
i delight in the robins.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. I welcome the return of robins. They are the one harbinger of spring on which I rely. It's lovely here today, but very windy. Chance of rain is forecast for every day through Easter.

  2. tis a bit more springlike each day

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhh, Spring!! Such a delight. I bet that 1st birthday celebration was a lot of fun.

    Wishin' it would give us a lightning and rain shower here. Lucky you.

  4. lovely photos! From the back view, it's clear how closely related the American robin is to our blackbird.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.