Saturday, March 29, 2014 particular reason...

yesterday was this. i stayed home from work because before the snow
 was this ice. which may look like a flat driveway here...but it's not and it goes to the right, down a hill. 

so...i find myself in my archives. june of twenty thirteen. 

Sometimes, in the middle of winter, (or when winter forgot to step aside for spring) 
you can just get grumpy. 
No particular reason for it - grumpiness just comes along uninvited. 
Worse than that, though, is when you try & lift yourself out of it 
& every possible negative thing in the entire universe seems to descend on you. 

when trying to stay positive.
becomes difficult.
thank goodness for thousands of photos.
to fall back on.
just BE.


  1. Hang on Rob!

    Spring is just at the corner.

    Njoy & have a blessed weekend.

  2. I do so understand what you mean, Robin! I am SO tired of our gray, gloomy, rainy weather!! Surely Spring is on it's way???? Stay warm and have a good weekend!

  3. Yes, thank goodness for the photo archive! Come on, spring, time to show up at Robin's place!

  4. Giving your eyes some time out with fresh visuals in photos helps the spirit so much. Even the mind may be grateful. Love that wooden deck chair breathing in the lovely scene.

  5. Oh, dear: more snow! Well, it simply can't last forever, can it?

    A blessed week to you, Robin!

  6. With such an icy and downhill driveway, I'd wouldn't even attempt a departure. I do not handle powered equipment on ice very well, and that includes my wheelchair that slips nicely on its no-traction nylon tires. Your home looks comfortable, so staying home safely is no penalty. Spring warmth is close at hand (I hope, that is :)

  7. Bet you are looking forward to some nice warm sunshine!!! We could use some of that snow. Our Ski area didn't open at all this year because of no snow!! Great photos!

  8. Looking at summer pictures during winter is just a treat!

    Have a great week ahead!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.