Saturday, November 23, 2013

...a glow of gratitude...

even agnostics can give thanks 
for the blessing they receive.
thank God, the One, Fate, Chance, or the First Cause
(how you envisage this force or being is entirely your business),
or feel a glow of gratitude
even if you have nowhere to direct it.
the important things is that you appreciate
the fabulous privilege of being alive, now, on Earth,
with all the faculties and values you treasure.
~1001 ways to live in the moment

the sun is welcomed today.
despite being clothed in seventeen degrees.
the house is just warmer.
when the sun shines through the window.
enjoy the moments.
just BE.


  1. Hello Robin girl !
    I hope you are well and warm snuggled in your nest there : )
    Today was the first day I saw snow flakes ! .. Old man winter is insisting on reaching out his hand.
    I really like this "homey" shadow shot .. the atmosphere is warm and happy with the sun kissing the table and leaving the shadow on the table.
    Take care !
    Joy : )

  2. Beautiful capture and wonderful words, Robin!! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!!

  3. I know that blessings do arrive from the one true God - even as we looks for the great blessings, the smaller blessings, such as a four season climate and the changing weather to be a gift we can enjoy even at 17°F, as we know warmer days will eventually follow. Life is great as long as we acknowledge all of our blessings!

  4. That table, quiet in the shadows, looks like such an inviting place!

  5. Wonderful capture there.

  6. Beautiful warm words! Lovely image- captures how lucky I feel to live where I am. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. A beautiful shadow shot, and warming words.

  8. Yes, indeed, so very true! I am grateful for all that is in my life-embracing the imperfection as much as I do the perfection (although I' not sure what is perfect).

    Have a wonderful time this week as you spend time with your family and friends giving thanks.

  9. A table set for light! It feeds us too.

  10. An intimate moment of soft light and shadow. A wonderful sense of cosiness. Lovely.

  11. You don't believe this: it's +17 in the flat where I stay! I had to put the radiator on next to me, otherwise I would freeze sitting and typing...
    They do not have built in radiators in Spain! because electricity is so expensive...
    I have to plan when to have a showe: either to do some activity like cleaning or sitting in the sun and then quickly to jump in and shower when the body is warm. :) Yes, you need imagination here...


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.