Saturday, October 26, 2013

...the space in which all things happen...

I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions and experiences,
 I am not the content of my life. I AM LIFE
 I am the space in which all things happen.
 I am consciousness. I AM THE NOW I AM. 
~eckhart tolle

mother nature provided.
all the possible weather patterns.
this week.
with the exception of ice.
you will be able to see her glory.
in my post tomorrow.
enjoy the moments of your weekend.
just BE.


  1. The way you captured the light on the cat's fur is beautiful. Such a lovely shot.

  2. The feline surveys its territory carefully lest some rodent or other miscreant passes through - only if she wants to. A glorious season of color is still with us for a while, so we enjoy the fading sun and shadow too. Although winter will be here soon enough...

  3. He does indeed look ready to make a move!! Great shadow shot for the day, Robin! Such a handsome kitty!! Hope you both have a lovely weekend!

  4. Great view from the place.

  5. what a charming picture of a lovely cat and view!
    I'm trying hard, maybe I'm complicating it, to BE. thank you for being you

  6. How could that image of a content cat not warm my heart and soul? Loving the feel of peace and tranquility at its simplest here.

  7. God Bless You and your lovelies, Rob in this beautiful chilly and rainy days.

    Happy Weekend.

    /CC girl

  8. Is a waiting cat, a cat waiting for mischief? ;)

    Shadowy Lighthouse

  9. Your beautiful cat looks very content and at peace in his world. A great role model. And I connect with a crazy variety of weather patterns. While Sydney, 9 hours north of us, swelters with ravaging fires, my Melbourne has been wind blown and freezing.

  10. Beautiful poem..Pretty awesome color of that cat...

  11. Like a postcard!
    I've seen snow already - falling down and melted, rain, right now it's sunny.
    Have a good week ahead!

  12. Beautiful photo of the kitty. His fur almost glows!

  13. You did not have to try to get your cat to hold still; the sun did it for you.

  14. Pretty kitty~enjoying the sun, as all cats do.

    Happy Monday! Sorry so late in visiting you. Enjoy your week seeking shadows.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.