Saturday, June 8, 2013 it might as well be fun...

At that age where she's figured out that living
 pretty much happens no matter what you're doing,
 so it might as well be fun.

looking out my kitchen window.
this morning.
i saw this shadow.
i am glad i caught it when i did.
as the sun has disappeared.
just BE.


  1. Nice shadow photo for the day.

  2. I'm glad you caught it, too!! I frequently have the same problem here! But my blog problems have finally defeated me and I'm giving up, but I will continue to visit and comment! Hope you have a great weekend, Robin!

  3. Great catch! It doesn't seem fair as far as the weather in your area for the past few months. You are long overdue for good doses of sunshine!

  4. What? You're playing hide-and-seek with the sun? :)

    Shadowy Oranges

  5. love that you caught it in time! so it's in your garden?

  6. We hope the sun lasts for you which will allow this 'daisy' to thrive instead of wilt...we had 5" of rain here yesterday - today is sunny so the plant life thrives again...

  7. Robin girl the sun has been playing with us for some time now .. rain is great for the garden but enough already!!
    Love the new header picture with those beautiful bracelets and that saying .. cell ? hum ? how many interpretations can be applied to that I wonder ? LOL
    Joy : )

  8. great shadow and philosophy! Enjoy your day!

  9. Love the shadow! I've learned as well to try and capture the shadow when I see it - they can disappear so quickly.
    Lovely quote as well.

  10. The zink gerbera shows that you hadn't a warm day, right?

    Sweden is also having problem with the sun and warm Summer.

    Great you had found one.

    Happy Sunday.

    Hugs from D´Box in Stockholm.
    /CC girl

  11. The texture looks so different in the shadow. Glad you caught it!

  12. I see the light, the shadow, and I also feel that textures. :)

  13. The shadow almost contrasts with the reality! An intriguing one! And the reality looks like a metal sculpture of a leafy plant!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.