Saturday, May 11, 2013

...the wild joy of spring...

the birds brought seed & flowers
 & bits of brightly colored string & placed them in her hair 
while she slept so that she would remember the wild joy of spring when she finally awoke.

i have used this story before.
came across it again.
while on storypeople's facebook page.
this is in their "about" description.
"We believe the power of stories will bring a new world into being.
 It's the work we do & it's work that matters to us. 
To all of us. Tell your stories.
 Listen to the stories others tell.
 Love & Imagine without limit..."
this makes me smile.
hope it does you too.
just BE.


  1. Beautiful shots Robin.

    I love storypeople...I get it daily in my inbox and it always brings a smile!

  2. Yes indeed, Robin! A wonderful smile to start a shadow shot day! Have a beautiful weekend!

  3. The look of Spring is a wild melange of color and texture - the leaves of tree and flower are reminders of the style of nature - a good thing!

    Everyone has a tale to tell - in the written world, we take to the writing styles of well crafted prose and we learn the craft by reading as many stories that the writers write. And we enjoy crafting our own stories...

  4. Everyone has a story to matter their age or occupation!

    I love the vibrant tulip. So pretty.

    Happy Mother's Day, Robin.

  5. Adore your quotes from storypeople today! The birds and their story are particularly magical! And love the quiet beauty in your photos complementing the quotes!

  6. "Wild joy" indeed. Spring is all that and more. Beautiful photos!

  7. I just have to vote for the tulip in this threesome. Who could say no to such a dazzling red beauty? :)

    Shadowy Cave


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.