Saturday, April 13, 2013

...there are angels...

april 12,12

april 11,13


is anyone else.
having trouble.
dialing spring in on their wide screen?
i keep getting.
"this picture might be the fault of your receiver."
the sun has forgotten us.
the picture is just snow.
where is that remote...
i am headed there for light and love.
join us.
just BE.


  1. I'm having to look back through earlier photos because it is so GRAY, WET and GLOOMY and has been for several weeks! But I have to admit, it isn't that cold, just wet and gray and very hard to find shadows!! I love yours for the day, Robin, as always! Enjoy your weekend!!

  2. answering your question- yes, I am. I love your weaving of words, so well done! now I've a new outlook concerning angels (from Storypeople) as well!
    stunning shot in the bottom image!

  3. Hi Sweet Rob,

    Sucks! I am drooling with other bloggers sunny days photos. While we are still waiting the Spring time to come.

    We have rainy & windy days in Stockholm.

    Great shots... love your shots.

    Hugs from D´Box,
    /CC girl

  4. Like all ouf us up north, we are teased with the 60 deg. F temps only to be brought down to reality like the cold rain yesterday. And gray today (still). At least the forsythia buds are a sunny shade of yellow. Am awaiting a bit of heavenly warmth...someday!

  5. Ice on the emerging buds? Oh, my! Will winter never loose its grip?

  6. Love the 'storypeople' quotation. And Robin, your images are superior.

    Hootin' Anni's Tin Man Shadow

  7. Wonderful post and photographs, Robin.
    Spring is definitely having a difficult time getting here this year. :-(

  8. Love the intrigue of the shadow mystery.

  9. The pictures are beautiful, and the story people quotation is one I will have to print out and put on the fridge. Thanks for sharing. genie

  10. Such delicate shots !

  11. No Spring in MA yet either ~ Wonderful post and exquisite photography ~ ^_^

  12. Love the pics but the love the backstory at the end even more.

  13. I am seeing so many northern bloggers trying to find Spring, while we southerners are struggling to find Autumn! Some leaves haven't even turned yet and Autumn is verging on Winter! Others changed weeks ago! We have a summer day mixed into days of grey and chills and winds and rain! It's all so weird! Love your macros! Such beautiful insights into the small things!

  14. We just finished with 2 days of freezing rain!Spring? Where are you??
    Lovely photos and shadows Robin!

  15. It's been damp and grey for the weekend but most of the snow is soon gone but lots of dirty sand everywhere.
    But it's coming soon, spring, here and there!
    Have a good week ahead!

  16. Lovely photos. We've finally got spring sunshine and warmth!

  17. Love to see signs of Spring even when the weather is still chilly.

    My Shadow Shots
    Your comment is always appreciated, have a blessed Sunday!

  18. Oh, my! Those poor, frozen buds-even still, I find them beautiful. I hope they pull through. We do have spring here, but with it, we get horrible winds.

  19. Robin girl ... you know I know what you are talking about after seeing my ice storm pictures .. but today ? was glorious and I was out in the garden working so darn hard I am going to have to crawl to bed now not even 6:30 ? haha .. your Spring is coming even though it is overly late .. you have beautiful pictures here girl : )


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.