Wednesday, April 24, 2013

52 photos project

texture: cool grunge from kim klassen dot com

Joseph Addison 

i am joining a meme today.
can you tell what today's prompt is?
it is.
who remembers the rotary dial telephone?
(this hangs in my basement.)
(not connected.)
wasn't it maddening when you got almost all the way through.
the number.
and messed up...
and had to start all over.
i thought about capturing.
people chatting.
but went with this.
especially in the day and age.
of texting, email, social media.
where we don't pick up the phone.
and talk to each other any more.
i find it sad.
just BE.


  1. I find it's only the older relatives that I communicate with by post mail and phone calls. I hope that form of communication never dies out.

  2. lovely editing on this image.
    and, yes, i remember how frustrating it was to mess up the dialing!!!!!

  3. wow....I love this. Where did you ever find this phone! Perfect capture.

  4. I love it, love the texture!

  5. I remember these well - and the actual conversations with real, living voices that went with them. Beautiful photo, and an interesting idea for a meme. I'll have to check that one out.

  6. I remember!
    You surely don't see many of these anymore. :-(
    Love your edit on this, Robin.

    Have a wonderful day!

  7. I had that very phone in my childhood kitchen and it was on a 'party line'. It was sometimes difficult to even start your call! ;)

    Great shot! Love the processing.

  8. I love old phones! This is so beautiful.

  9. fabulous and very clever interpretation!

  10. As I was reading your post, I had this urge to go to ebay and buy a rotary phone for my house as a decoration piece!
    This is such an excellent take on the prompt. Thank you so much for sharing.

  11. What a wonderfully nostalgic post. I loved our old rotary telephone. Remember the sound and slight vibration under your finger as it turned the dial? The tone as the call went through?

    Thanks for the post and the memory.



i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.