Saturday, March 23, 2013 had a way about it...

“the snow was endless,
 a heavy blanket on the outdoors;
 it had a way about it.
 a beauty.
 but I knew that, like many things, beauty could be deceiving.” 
― Cambria HebertWhiteout

we had snow.
every day this week.
but yesterday.
not just a flake here and there.
but actually snow flurries.
i am waiting for.
the first robin.
to appear in my apple tree.
just BE.


  1. even though our temperatures have been below average, I have sighted two robins!
    beautiful shadowy snow; how apt Hebert's poem is.

  2. Instead of waiting for a robin, you, Robin, could climb into the apple tree and greet spring with a winsome smile! :)

    Fortitude of Shadows

  3. Eerie as the surface of the moon.

  4. Fresh snow makes for a beautiful canvas, just waiting for the artistry of sun and shadow. However, late March is far to late for snow south of the arctic. The robins are hanging around us unseen - when the snow melts, they will sing their song of Spring loud and clear - even in western Michigan!

  5. We had heavy snow here too this week, though it all melted quickly. I'm eager for spring, but I will also miss the peaceful white blankets of snow.

  6. Oh, so beautiful, but it does make me shiver just thinking about it! No robins singing here yet,either.

  7. So many musky blue tones where light and shadow seem to overlay! Lovely arty photos!

  8. Snow can make a pretty sight, but glad we do not get it much in Texas.

  9. Hi dear Rob,

    How's everybody? Hope you're well in this cold long winter days.

    Snow can be shown as a blue water lagoon too, eh? §:-) do you think I am desperated?

    Pretty shots!

    /CC girl

  10. seems like shadows in the blue hour.

  11. Tell me about it, we will have snow this week according to the weatherman, sigh. Lovely shots.

    My Shadow Shots
    Have a blessed Sunday.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.