Saturday, February 16, 2013

...whisper tree songs at night in their dreams...

when I die, she said, 
i'm coming back as a tree with deep roots
 & i'll wave my leaves at the children 
every morning on their way to school
 & whisper tree songs at night in their dreams. 
trees with deep roots know about the things children need.

really does.
so much.
for the soul.
join us?
just BE.


  1. The seemingly endless snowy landscape can be thought of in two ways: it can be a bleak monochrome or a canvas full of shadowy art given to us by the sun. I prefer the latter view - the sun is not merely a sustainer of life, it gives us an artistic landscape which is so good for the soul...

  2. Lovely and elegant shadow shot for SSS2 ~

  3. Beautiful, frosty shadow shots for the day, Robin! I like the idea of coming back as a tree!! Hope your weekend is going well!! Enjoy!

  4. Wonderful photos and thoughts

  5. Amazing shots... I wonder you still have the crispy dried leaf?

    I love the "Story People" proses.

    Hope you had a great VD and continue a wonderful w/end, Rob?

    /CC girl

  6. Robin girl how are things there ?
    I hope it went the way you wanted it to?
    Yes .. trees are magical to me .. they have souls that are so ancient and beyond what we can conceive.
    They are due such respect they don't often get .. sad.
    Sun !!! YES !!! it cheers a body UP!
    Joy : )

  7. so beautiful Robin... indeed the sun is good for the soul:-)

  8. So love the idea of tree songs! And love your angled perspective of the snowy world inviting us to gaze upon the scene a little differently! Beautiful!

  9. It does, doesn't it (the sun)? I love that poem from the Storypeople-brings tears to my eyes and tugs at my heart.

  10. The tree shadows on the snow remind me of the beginnings of a spider web. Where will the weaving end?

    Shadowy Bell

  11. I love the way the last one spills out and the idea of waving my leaves at the children.

  12. Trees have sung their songs to me. Their souls are gentle and old.

    Beautiful images, beautiful words.

  13. what a lovely idea- I will now think the trees are singing me to sleep....and I really like the angle shot of the snow.

  14. Love the poem and your photos are amazing as always. The blanket of snow is so beautiful with the shadows of the tree being cast upon it.

  15. I'd like to hear tree songs...and see the sun!!!
    Have a good week ahead!

  16. So true - the sun seems to lift your spirits in the winter. After a cludy day yesterday we have lovely sun today.
    Great shadows!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.