Sunday, December 2, 2012


joyful simplicities for december
really deck the halls. spread holiday cheer throughout your entire home
with seasonal decorations, no matter what holiday you celebrate.
evergreens, beautiful flowering plants, candles, tiny lights, and natural decoration
don't have to be associated with any one holiday unless you make them so.
when you make a special effort to create beauty in your home,
you set the stage for festivity, an authentic quality of 
Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.
~simple abundance

i just.
wanted to share the room.
you see.
in the bauble in my header photo.
i brought things out.
earlier this year.
than i usually do.
and i have changed things up.
from where i usually put them.
not sure what is going on with me.
i believe.
as i sit here...
that it may be.
a happiness.
that comes from deep within.
of Christmas' past.
of my childhood.
and my heart is warmed.
and a smile forms.
over the sides of my coffee cup.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I think changing things up is a good thing; it's a bit about growth, don't you think? this is a wonderfully comforting post - see, you're spreading the comfort Robin. thank you and happy week to you.

  2. Every year I love laying out all my stuff around the room seeing where it ends up. Every year is different. Every Christmas experience is different. I love the old world Santas- we get a new one every year. A beautiful collection of Christmas primitives.

  3. I do like your collection of Christmas decorations...I almost thought you were showing us a shop filled with Yuletide items.

    I've not decorated yet. Soon...

    Happy weekend!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.