Saturday, July 21, 2012 doubt doesn't mean to fail...

traditional zen training deemed three qualities
necessary in a student:
great faith,
great doubt,
and great effort.
imagine yourself as dedicated to your path
as a zen student.
don't forget that to doubt doesn't mean to fail:
it may just be another step 
on your journey toward faith.
~1001 ways to live in the moment

we need rain.
so no complaints.
that i don't have a shadow.
to catch today.
i know that there was sun.
out there this week for others.
go take a look.
just found this...
"fill your paper with the breathings of your heart"
william wordsworth
LOVE that.
love this journey we call life!!!
(happy sigh)
just BE.


  1. Robin girl ! I love this soft yellow glow .. it may be white hot inside the bulb but it is a soft yellow outsides that have captured the mood .. especially with the wine bottles ? LOL ...
    Joy : )

  2. Wordsworth said that? It seems so contemporary!

    So you found indoor shadows, not outdoor ones, this week.

    All is well...

    Meaning in Shadows

  3. Doubt and failure are so often considered bad things - yet, do we not learn more from failure than success? Absolutely! Our doubts can often be conquered it we are not hostage to them - the little light bulb in the dark throws off an incredible amount of light. No doubts about that illumination, should be be illumined too...

  4. What a wonderful, different shadow shot for the day, Robin! I love your composition and the perfect words as always! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  5. lovely indoor shadows today ~ looks like a cozy atmosphere, especially with the wine bottles

    Happy shadow seeking this week.

  6. Doubt and failure are the most negative one can think of. You know that I always read your proses and it really give me sometimes, a kick on my *wink

    I am learning or awaken from your proses. Good reminder.

    The bulb symbolises the possibilities. Smaal but terrible? Oppsss... a great shadow, indeed!

    Great shot of the day.

    Happy SSS,

  7. Great words and shadows.

  8. Beautiful sense of cosy, glowing intimacy in your photo! And love the angled perspective! Delightful thoughts in your post!

  9. I looked at the parade pics, and my favorite old car is that Studebaker Hawk GT (1962-1964). The upright grille grille was a feature of the Hawk series from 1957 (until they went out of business). The B&W is the perfect tone for the perfect styling of American cars on that classic era = so nice!

  10. We're with ya Robin... we'll take the rain! You still captured some beautiful shadows... without the sun shining our eye just must look a little closer for the shadows that are always there under our nose.

  11. You may not have had sunshine, but you managed to capture great shadows anyway. Love the angle of the shot. Great Job!!

  12. Beautiful message.

    Any advise and tips you could give to my shadow shot entry would be so much appreciated. Have a blessed Sunday.

  13. Beautiful shot!
    I like your postings - wise words, not too many! :) with beautiful pictures...
    In Finland this summer has been 'normal'. As normal as any weather today is normal.
    Have a good week ahead!

  14. Love the photo and the quote. Faith is by far the most necesssary I think.

  15. Love the Wordsworth quote! I'm about to steal it. :))


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.