Saturday, May 26, 2012

...asking a shadow to dance...

“what is life? it is the flash of a firefly in the night.
 it is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. 
it is the little shadow which runs across the grass 
and loses itself in the sunset.”

“poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.”
~carl sandburg

the ferns.
are filling in nicely.
just as he.
 would have wanted.
 we shall.

just BE.

ps. busy weekend.  i will catch you'll 
when i can!!  xx


  1. I love the shadows made by the ferns--beautiful photo. Of course, the poetry you choose is always perfect. Have a nice weekend. Mickie ;)

  2. Love your shadow shots for the day and the Carl Sandburg quote is perfect! Hope you have a great weekend, Robin!


  3. Nature is adding a wonderful glow to this wonderful place of solitude. They continue to live within us always, the memories of love and affection a part of us still. The ferns and shadows add a look of life to a place not solemn but with happy memories...

  4. I love how you've shown the difference in focusing between these two shots! I really like the Crowfoot quote, too.

  5. Beautifully photographed, and the poetry is perfect.

  6. AnonymousMay 26, 2012

    Lovely soft shadows!

  7. A perfect shady spot indeed :) I noticed our ferns on the side of the house were getting thick & green the other day ~ the neighborhood cats are going to be thrilled! wishing you a wonderful holiday weekend Robin!

  8. Another beautiful, peaceful post with gentle macros of shadows! And so love your crowfoot quote! It is now on the SSS2 shadow page! Sandburg's quote is already on the SSS2 sidebar!

  9. Love these shots.

    Shadow Shots I have, come and see.

  10. Oh yes, let's dance - it's a beautiful day in Helsinki. It's so green that it looks like the nature is too full of itself :)

  11. Love the macro effect here!

  12. The shadows of the ferns are so soft and delicate. They soothe my soul.

    Empty Horse Corral


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.