Sunday, April 22, 2012


to take one photo
and work it three ways.
that is what we did this week.
kim klassen - beyond layers.
worked with her textures.
first - cool grunge
second - framed
third - abstract
what is your favorite?

click image to enlarge

if i thought the tears were done...
this song was sent to me by a dear friend.

we don't get to 
pick the moments.
when sadness hits us.
but we do get to decide.
where to go from there.
wipe the tears away.
be grateful.
be grateful for what you were given.
be open to the possibilities to come.
and smile because it was.
the sadness will lessen.
it is.
the circle of life.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. I need a cup of coffee right now, it's a little chilly here. Thanks for your beautiful contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday 2.

    Come see the Flag in the Wood shadow. Have a blessed Sunday!

  2. Robin--what a great lesson--thanks for sharing it and part of you with us!

    Be Blessed as always,


  3. Love them all, I think the first one is my fav, or perhaps the last one...umm, although the second one looks pretty good. LOL!

    Have a great week.

  4. Thank you for sharing
    I really like

  5. I think the subject is perfect for all three textures, Well done!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.