Saturday, March 31, 2012

...sunlight fills her up...

this is a magical beast
 that holds the secret of light & shadow
 in a safe place in her heart
 & when it has been too long grey,
 she starts to dance 
& laugh & cry & sing
 & the sunlight fills her up
 & spills in wild abandon
 back into the world again

blue's resting spot.
just off the deck.
we will continue to share mornings .
just not the same way we use to.
just BE.


  1. Lovely arrangement and perfect illustration for the poem.

  2. This shadowy little grouping of rocks sends my imagination in a million directions. It's lovely.

  3. You have chosen such pretty rocks to mark Blue's resting place.

  4. Guess what....a while ago it was s###ing and sun shining, over now. I mean s###ing is over, sun's smiling! :)
    Some flowers are almost ready to bloom but near zero temperature is not good for them...
    Happy Sunday!

  5. Delightful, different shadow shots for the day and it's always lovely to have a "friend" to share the beauty of a morning, an evening, anytime with! Have a wonderful weekend, Robin!


  6. Blue lives with you in spirit. That he remains physically close helps, but the fun and loving memories are closer in your heart. Our pets are family, they love us unconditionally and are part of us. Having lost since 2007 Sir Humphrey and Rigby, one look at a photo brings back happy memories now, but time will not fully heal our hurt. The rock memorial is a beautiful as can be, the wonderful memories to last a lifetime...

  7. a lovely dappled corner...

  8. Yes, memories can be comforting too.

  9. Bye bye Blue. You good dog you. What a wonderful spot to make his final resting place. Lovely Shadow Shot.

  10. Sheesh, I'm so sorry I refered to your Blue-belle as a boy...and even worse, a dog! Just read the previous posts about her. I'm sorry for your loss. I wasn't trying to be insensitive, though afraid it came off that way. :>(

  11. @ baby rocket...i did not take it as insensitive at all. blue was our wonderful cat and he was indeed our furry boy. he will forever be in our hearts. thank you all for your kind words.

  12. Such a beautiful, sun dappled place touched with the magic of stones! Haunting images!

  13. Robin I have been having a long time love affair with rocks .. I don't know what it is but they seem to draw me in and I almost see their personality .. I think it is an attraction that will never fade in fact .. so these pictures are beautiful to me !
    Joy : )

  14. A lovely resting spot. Lovely syhadows as well.

  15. What a different and interesting photo. Those rocks made a great capture far you.

  16. You have chosen a very peaceful and calm place as the resting place. The rocks look beautiful.

  17. Truly a special resting spot and how lucky to spend mornings with you!

  18. My son would love those rocks!Thank you for your beautiful contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday 2.

    More Shadows here

  19. Your photos and words are always so wonderful. Blue has a lovely resting place. Love the speckles of color in the rocks, they make a lovely display.
    Happy Sunday!

  20. We have a marker for our Siamese that graced our lives for over 25 years!!! Thing is, she is not 'with us'...when we relocated from Tucson to the Gulf Coast, we left her remains behind,---but took the marker with us. She is forever in our hearts.

    I love the words, and loved your sentiments on this shadowing, endearing resting place.

  21. For the rocks and trees,
    And the streams that flow

    These words are from a song we sing in celebration of the Sacred Earth Mother that provides these things. I see the connection here and it is beautiful.


  22. Very intriguing shots.

    I guess, I saw a shabby dragonfly on the left side.

    Love the calmness of your shots, Rob and of course, your prose.

    Happy SSS,


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.