Wednesday, March 21, 2012

...beyond layers-pink...

~ "Pink is not just a color its an attitude." -- Anonymous 

pink is the color.
for today.
if there is one thing.
i am not.
is a pink girl.
i have a journal.
that's pink.
a couple of books.
including this one. 
that has the pink ribbon marker.
and my daughter's scrapbooks.
that's it.
i've never been a girly-girl.
how about you?
just BE.


  1. Clever idea sharing a quote directly from a book passage photo.
    I love this passage. I am 32, and vividly remember looking forward to turning 30, and told lots of shocked women, so. Yes, wisdom and perspective, feeling comfortable with YOU is "the most hard-won of youth's dew"
    Thanks for sharing and

  2. Shhhh...I'm not a girly-girl, yet I've always loved pink.

    Must have something to do with being a child of the '50s. ;-)

    When I was little I had frilly dresses and I'm sure there was a lot of pink involved.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.