Wednesday, January 11, 2012 a match in a dark room...

Dwelling on the unimportant, stressing on the unintended, and freaking over the unknown, 
simply doesn't work... and is a bit like lighting a match in a dark room to make sure no one accidentally 
sprinkled any gunpowder on your bicycle, which is kept under the stairs, near the back porch.
Actually, some of that wasn't really important, but hopefully it distracted from any stigma you 
may have attached to freaking over the unknown. 
~Notes from the Universe

live for the moment.
because you don't know about tomorrow.
fifty-two degrees and sunshine today.
winter storm warning.
ya just never know.
just BE.


  1. Love your picture! Brrr....winter storm warning. Stay safe.

  2. Love the image, and the notes from the universe..perfect.
    Something for all of us to think about.

  3. That is a remarkable image. You've also given us some food for thought. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. great shot. Greetings from Romania. Have a nice week-end

  5. Delightful post! Love the heading of the photo about snowmen! And beautiful soft shapely shadows!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.