Sunday, January 15, 2012


Of course I hang on tight, she said.
 You can't believe the kind of stuff that happens when you let go.

i am so excited!!
tomorrow i start a 52 week journey.
a creative journey with kim klassen.
the last two photos today
have texture added to them.
compliments of kim's talent.
i tend to prefer my photos
straight out of the camera.
i am.
 stepping outside of the box.
my tight grip is lessening.
just imagine the possibilities that lie ahead.
just because of letting go.
breathe in.
open the door.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. I love your photos. They are wonderful. The close ups of the ice on what looks to be a piece of barbed wire. The snow piled on the branches of the tree and the fallen snow with the grass showing through. All wonderful shots.
    Sometimes it is Good to step outside the box and see things through different eyes or let ourselves go to see more.... Good luck on your journey, Enjoy!!

  2. Love the first few shots of the snow piling up on the
    branches. Look forward to seeing stepping out of the box project -

  3. Hello there again and wow ! I love these photos : ) I took some similar ones today .. haven't downloaded them yet but I was going for a similar affect. I know what you mean about stepping out of your comfort zone .. but I am sure you will find it amazing !
    Joy : )

  4. Your icy cold winter images are beautiful! Your final textured image truly took my breath away! I love Kim's textures. Enjoy your creative journey.


  5. Great winter shots! Love the picture of the coffee cup - and the quote to go with it.

  6. Isn't it amazing how such simple things can be so beautiful. Lovely post. Mickie :)

  7. Lovely shots! You had great winter captures. Photos are very meaningful.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.