Sunday, May 29, 2011



we all say it...
where does the time go.
first day of kindergarten.
to today.
graduation day.
today she will be reading a poem.
that her dad wrote and read to his class.
in 1984.
i believe,
when she reads this,
my eyes will fill up with pride.

by brian goodenow
we have gathered our relatives, our neighbors and friends
to join us on this special day
and the pathway that we have all traveled together
will now lead us all separate ways
our journey has seen sunshine, success and good times
and occasionally a day filled with rain
we enjoyed all the fun times with all of our friends
and we usually learned from the pain
once in a while, the clouds grew too dense
and it seemed that the sun wouldn't shine
but i knew, on those days, that i could depend
on one of you great friends of mine
so i'd pick up my chin, shake off the blues
and once again the sun would shine through
i'd fall back in line with the rest of my friends here today
your sad thoughts will very soon mend
this "end" that we speak of, to me is much more
it's a beginning, a new life to live
a chance to display the colors of our rainbow
and to see what the world has to give
so don't look back with tears in your eyes
don't forget that life holds more
smile at the memories we made with our friends
and head out through opportunity's door
i have high hopes for the class of 2011
we are friends, classmates, and someone to trust
we are jocks, band nerds, rednecks, and preps
but most of all, we are simply us
i wish you good luck and a whole lot of love
as you start your new journey today
believe in yourself; keep hope for the good
and never let your dreams slip away
just reading back over this.
i am getting choked up.
not going to be a good make-up day.
they will not be tears of sadness today.
but tears of immense pride.
her wings have dried.
we have instilled in her what we could.
she is a beautiful spirit.
inside and out.
today is the beginning of her own journey.
how blessed are we...
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. AnonymousMay 29, 2011

    Beautiful poem.
    We are simply it.
    Congratulations to you all. :)


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.