Saturday, April 30, 2011 we play the hand...

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."
Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture)

if you get the chance.
this is worth watching.
i am hoping you have sun.
i don't.
but i know where i can find some.
light + objects = shadows
what does your hand look like?
just BE.


  1. Good morning lil' friend, the coffee is yummy on this windy Spring morn, we have no sun either, it's a balmy 55, with rain in the forecast...a good day to be at work and maybe when I get home, the sun will be only takes a few seconds for us huh!!!

    I love your samplers and mine reminds me every day to-"never underestimate the power of the human spirit"...hey Tilda, I'm still in wool...LOL!

  2. The framed memorial is bittersweet in tone, an important mentor now gone. Likewise, the frame is in shadow as well as sun - the sunny days of that life more powerful than the shade. A look at a loved one whose life had more brightness than not...

  3. Robin, I am always amazed at your "little slices of life" that you present in your blog. Instead of going for The Big Picture, you go for the little one. And you allow us to see much that we would miss otherwise. Thank you.


    A seeker of shadows, they say,
    Will keep her eyes peeled night and day
    For resident shades
    That haunt the dark glades
    And never come outside to play.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadowy Border

  4. Yes, that Last Lecture is amazing, isn't it? So inspiring and moving. And, we know that this is how we should be living our lives each day-being in the moment and living it as though it were our last.
    Beautiful SS too! So warm...

  5. Loved the warm tones of the photo. beautifully composed. and your header photos are always so fascinating.
    have a lovely week!

  6. An inspiring quote, timely for me just now. And such a lovely photo.

  7. love that photo of the frames - very evocative

  8. there was sun this morning and now it's gone away and wind remains. your shadow shot is so warm and inviting. love the quote too. happy SSS and have a great weekend Robin.

  9. Boy, I sure like that quote. So true. Gentle ShadowShot. Have a good weekend.

  10. A beautiful photo of wonderful old frames!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  11. Lovely angle, and warm photo.

  12. Love the tones and shadows of your photo this week, and your quote is oh so true.

  13. Beautiful earthy warmth in these old frames! They almost seem to be embossed in the wall! Fascinating!

  14. Very timely for me, I just returned from a memorial service for a friend and neighbor who also faced death with grace and kindness. I watched the first ten minutes of this and will make time for the rest.

  15. Stylish shot with a wise quote.
    My hand? Right now very good. I try to stop and listen and after that make decisions...
    Have a good week ahead!

  16. AnonymousMay 01, 2011

    I love your quote! Excellent shadow shot.

  17. AnonymousMay 01, 2011

    Very inspiring. Thank you.
    Loved your photos above also.

  18. Lovely shot...and quote! Always good advice. Hope you're having a nice weekend :)


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.