Monday, March 14, 2011


"The Creative Exchange will now be photography based. 
You may post any photograph you wish,
as long as it is one that was taken
without a lot (or any) thought
about the technical aspects of photography.  
Something that simply comes from your heart." 
 ~Lisa Gordon
i loved this meme.
because all my photos
come from my heart.
the most technical that
i get is whether
i am going to lay on the ground
to take the photo or not.
what you see is
what you get with me.
i am pretty simple.
thanks for this wonderful idea lisa!!
please check out lisa's blog here. 
just BE.


  1. This is such a lovely photograph Robin!! I always find there is something truly beautiful in flowers beyond their prime.

    Thank you so much for sharing this today at The Creative Exchange. It is truly perfect for it.

    Have a wonderful day!


  2. All the pointy petals of the dried flower head are beautiful! Nice shot!

  3. I love your capture, as always, Robin! And I feel exactly the same way -- all of my photos come from my heart as well. Three years ago I didn't even have a camera -- would pick up a disposable one if I was going somewhere interesting or had family visiting. I've become so involved with photography now, but it has nothing to do with anything even remotely technical! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!


  4. My human love dried up flowers too and she sees beauty in both fresh and old, but most especially for anything furry and super ;-)

    I am glad you help sick people.

  5. I 'll sit with you.
    Are you pouring?

    Crumpled sunflowers are my one weakness.
    And seeing them from behind makes them even better. I much prefer these to the blazing yellow ones Vincent gave us a century ago.

  6. Still beautiful - I love it!

  7. I love them in their fading phase as well!

  8. Beautiful as always Robin...I was totally absent from commenting on SSS,
    so I'm catching up...I so needed to get into the shop and start clearing out so I can start painting commission pieces, but froze on Sunday, but today at 12:00 it was coat, no mittens, no coffee, just me n Scratch and a can o paint...heaven!

    Tomorrow is supposed to be even better, then the rains come, but it should be polished by then...hope your snows start melting soon before Tilda blows a gasket!

    And congratulations on you new letters!


  9. I love the texture in your macro!

  10. I haven't learned enough about photography or my camera to take a pic like that SOOC... I usually always have to edit something!
    Wonderful shot! =)

  11. This is a stunning macro shot. Love the way it's framed. And I agree with you...every shot is one from the heart for me too.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.