Sunday, March 27, 2011


"how much of human life is lost in waiting."
 Ralph Waldo Emerson

"you must know
 that in any moment
a decision you make
can change the course of your life forever:
 the very next person you
stand behind in line
or sit next to on an airplane,
the very next phone call you make or receive,
the very next movie you see
or book you read
or page you turn
 could be the one single thing that causes the floodgates to open,
and all of the things
that you've been waiting for
 to fall into place.”
Anthony Robbins

to a solid.
and back again.
i will stop
wasting time.
waiting for what will be
and enjoy what is
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

ps. not sure what has happened to my photos...they were there...
my solid and liquid was indicated in the photos...
must be a blogger thing!!!
pps. the photos are little blue dots in the middle of  my screen.
the "hand" comes up when you go over a photo...
click it them...if you'd like...
that brings the photo up. sheesh...what a pain.


  1. this is a warm way to begin my Sunday morning. lovely. just lovely. it's going to be a continual change from liquid to solid and back again for many weeks. I've learned to just watch it in wonder. thanks for sharing Robin, and I hope your day is grand.

  2. I saw an amazing photo here in my blog reader, but when I came over it disappeared! was lovely..wherever it went.

    I really love that quote by Anthony Robbins. It's so true and gives hope. Thanks for the coffee ; )


  3. When my poor eyes located the right dots, I was happy to behold your lovely micro ShadowShots! Water to ice,
    These shots are nice!

    I was clicking on a spit splatter on my screen for a bit before I realized it! Happy SSS.

  4. @ cassie...yeah, sorry about that. not sure what i did wrong with uploading...i had to strain my eyes myself to see those dots! thanks for stopping by!!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.