Saturday, January 1, 2011

...happy new year...

and now let us welcome the New Year.
full of things that have never been.
~rainer maria rilke

at this moment.
it is sunny and 45 degrees.
happy new year!!!
later today this landscape.
will have a colder feel.
and a dusting of snow.
for now.
i am enjoying the bare ground.
and the shadows.
for more...HEY HARRIET.
this year.
no resolutions.
just aspirations.
take the leap of faith.
believe in yourself.
start today.
just BE.


  1. Happy New Year to you and yours! The winter often confounds, as the ground may or may not be covered in snow. A warm temp in January is outrageous in July, but does feel warm now. The seasonal changes do exist, just enjoy being in the moment now...

  2. Happy New Year!! I love these photos- especially the first one!

  3. Terrific shadow shots for the day as always, Robin! Wishing you a great new year filled with love and laughter and peace. Thank you so much for your visits/comments on my blog over the past year! They are so appreciated. Enjoy!!


  4. lovely tranqui shots to start the new year -happy 2011

  5. Nice Rilke quote. . . beautiful shadow shots. Happy New Year.

  6. Beautiful shadow photos. I particularly like the first one.

    All the best for 2011.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. LOVE that shed! It would look wonderful in my garden. :) We're enjoying warm temperatures too today.

    Happy New Year!

  8. Well, here we go again...longjohns, turtlenecks, two wool sweaters, woolly socks and NO ponytail...I'd freeze if I had short hair!!!

    Hope this brings good cheer to you and you family, as we trudge on into the new year, but with your beautiful spirit and that wild woman Tilda close by, girl, you are blessed!!! You know I have shed envy, right!

    Best of the best to ya lil' sister, this is gonna be a great year...'cause I said so, that's why!!!


  9. Oh! Did you hear the gasp from me as your site downloaded? That dress in the tree...Oh!
    And, such an appropriate poem to greet the new year with!
    Here's to a brand new year!

  10. I love that little shed. A garden shed? An outside toilet? Whatever it is I like it! I've given up making resolutions, but the aspirations sound good! Happy New year Robin!

  11. Love the shadows and the quaint little outhouse and fence and all else too.

    Have a wonderful 2011!

    Hugs and Blessings . . . Arija

  12. I love your little out-building...or is it an outhouse? I too have been enjoying the bare ground and strangely warm temps...woohoo!! Happy New Year!

  13. cool shadows on what looks like an early spring day there!

    Saw your update ~ Mother Nature is indeed in charge


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.