Sunday, October 3, 2010


what does
high winds
and open
milkweed pods
when you sit
in silence.
on a cool,
crisp morning.
you hear
the leaf actually
break away from
it's branch.
where it sat proudly
all summer.
and you listen
as it hits the ground.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. Great shot. A silent cup of coffee can have that effect. Lovely words, also.

  2. Exquisite photos and sentiments too Robin. I've not heard the leaves touch down, but many, many acorns as the drop through the leaves and finally reach the earth. And then...silence. Until the next one drops.

    enjoy this chilly autumn day.

  3. @ anka- a silent cup of coffe is always welcomed.
    @ laura-last year we had the walnuts doing that. this year, after soooooo many last year, we have no walnuts on the trees. the seasons are funny. it is a joy to experience them all.

  4. empty cup
    waiting to be filled
    is my life

    or this:

    is my life
    empty cup waiting
    to be filled?

    SSS: Candy Bag

  5. Love the cup shot. The daisy shot is mighty fine too!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.