Sunday, October 24, 2010


seek out
that particular mental attribute
which makes your feel
most deeply
and vitally alive,
along with which  comes
the inner voice which says,
"this is the real me,"
and when you have
found that attitude,
follow it.
~william james

"this is the real me"...
scary to say that at times.
worried about what others might think.
don't put yourself in a box.
because it's easier.
be you.
enjoy you.
breathe you.
live you.
the way it was intended to be.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. I try to be the "real me." To thine own self be true, right?

    The birdhouse seems to have a steeple! Interesting.

    Beautiful foliage you've captured.

    Have a peaceful Sunday.

  2. white cup among leaves,
    inviting me to tipple
    magical liquid

  3. gorgeous fall colors you have captured here!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.