Sunday, October 17, 2010


the habit of being--
the exultation in the present moment--
is an exquisite concept,
one that could enrich our lives
beyond measure.
we're all habitual creatures,
but usually we practice the
habits of doing:
getting up, making breakfast,
getting children off to school
and getting ourselves to work.
then there are our habits of brooding:
projecting into the future,
dwelling on the past,
nursing old wounds,
holding imaginary conversations,
indulging in comparisons,
conducting endless mental calculations about money,
gnawing on regrets,
second guessing inspiration,
ruminating on problems at work,
anticipating the worst.
the habits of brooding are rooted
in the past or the future,
and they can rob the present
moment of all
harmony, beauty, and joy.
what if you knew there was always going
to be simple pleasure to look forward to
every few hours?
what if you made sure there was?
how do you think you would greet the day?
~simple abundance: a book of comfort and joy
~sarah ban breathnach

welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. Sara - your photos are simply exquisite! Colours of fall, fist, fine details - they're gorgeous!
    And the words you chose to accompany them are perfect. I loved her book - Iwill have to revisit it!
    Thanks for a wonderful post!

  2. Beautiful images, but you always have great images.
    The words you chose, those I think I should copy and post on my wall to remind myself to stay in the now.

  3. Perfect prose for your light filled, totally present images! Gorgeous Robin!

  4. Beautifully captured & I love that 1st pic!

    If you're interested in photographing barns, join my new Tuesday meme that opens on Monday evenings at 7pm CST named 'Old Barns' - I'd love to have you join in

  5. Robin, your photography throughout this blog is perfect. Each minute detail captured forever for all to behold. Wonderful posts!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.